The NextPharma Whistleblowing Helpline can be used to report possible violations of the law or guidelines within the Group – anonymously if desired.
Report possible violations of law or policy within the group
The NextPharma Whistleblowing Helpline can be used to report possible violations of the law or guidelines within the Group – anonymously if desired.
The helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in any national language via various input channels. Separate hotlines have been set up for each country, so that you can report a case either by telephone, by online entry in the whistleblowing system itself or with the support of HR colleagues.
Our electronic whistleblowing system is available to all NextPharma employees, but also to customers, suppliers and other third parties
Incoming reports are reviewed and processed by specifically trained individuals from the NextPharma Legal & Compliance Team (if necessary with the support of external mediators or lawyers). By setting up a protected reporting channel, follow-up communication between the compliance officer and the whistleblower is possible – which can also be anonymous if desired. This is the only way to enter into a (if desired also anonymous) dialogue with you and to investigate the case accordingly.
NextPharma and the Legal & Compliance Team protect the interests of whistleblowers not only by setting up this secure whistleblowing system, but also by pledging to treat incoming information confidentially and to protect whistleblowers acting in in good faith against any retaliation.